Spotlight on VivBounty
I would like to welcome my first guest blogger Vivienne Edwards. Enjoy...
Hello there, VivBounty here to begin this post with most humble gratitude to my friend, Bob Swetz, for his invitation to feature me on his blog.
I post in the forum each time I get paid ~
F5M-MC Forum I then share that Forum link on Facebook to all the groups I associate with on a regular basis. Meaning to say, groups which are actually made up of people who are in programs with me or like minded who will actually respect the business I'm in as I respect their business.
A wise man, Rick Mathews, now Malik, taught me that if a person is peddling something to you and won't even take a look at your program, not bothered to spend even the $5 one-time fee for life that it costs to get into our least expensive program, F5M-Millionaires Club, do you really want to be in business with he or she? There are places where advertising is like, as he says, "Everyone is throwing stuff at the wall hoping something sticks". I don't want to be there, to be honest.
So a list of my groups includes, always, Plugin Homebiz Site, DailyNetPay, Advertise With DailyNetPay, DNP Team Success, F5M-Millionaires Club Forum and a few others. I also buy advertising as you will have seen by my forum post, with DailyNetPay in addition to using Plugin Homebiz Site to create a very effective marketing funnel which puts paid members into my team in 2 income earning programs already listed above.
Recently, one of my online associates posed a question on my "got paid" post asking what he/she might be doing wrong? It is not that anyone necessarily does anything wrong in trying to earn money online. It is a difficult business and the market is saturated. According to, there are an estimated 3 billion Internet users worldwide! Tenacity certainly helps. You need to keep working at your business. Be disciplined, committed, follow instructions, really know the program you are promoting and if you believe in it, never, never give up on your dream.
A good foundation to working in any industry is education. I began my online marketing journey with Lead Generating Tools (LGT) ~ back in 2008. I started with a free membership which led me to the training room in webinar format. LGT owner, Steve Swetman was frequently found in there training personally, and manning the room as head trainer was always Debra Chism. Along with Debra, several trainers who each have their area of expertise have taught me different things. I am now a Gold member of LGT and do my entire Internet business using Lead Generating Tools services and products.
I feel so blessed to have found LGT because every time I go to do something online, I think, "I learned to do this in the LGT training room". Here are just a few of those skills, Starting a free blog on Google's Blogger platform, creating a Web site using basic HTML or WordPress platform, using an autoresponder, with that responder creating a list building campaign, cloaking affiliate links so that your sales are protected, using free File Transfer Protocol (FTP) with free resources like FileZila to get my sites and brand online, open source programs that can make PDF's or edit them like OpenOffice, and pulling it all together from start to finish, hosting your Web site, all the tools you will ever need for your Internet Marketing Dashboard and tons and tons of products you can use to brand yourself and make real money online. I even did a short stint as a trainer in the LGT training room. That is where VivBounty, my online brand name was born of a desire to inspire others to create their own bounty, whatever that is for them, whether it is money, or a better lifestyle, or a deeper spiritual connection, start a blog to show crafts, photos, a garden, or just expand into whatever their divine plan may be, that it would be bountiful.
Network marketing, affiliate marketing, or just any marketing is always about relationships. Business is about relationships. I am a people person and I wear my heart on my sleeve. Integrity is very important to me. If I join a program and my sponsor or the admin don't respond when I reach out or don't seem to care about my success, I cannot remain there. I don't treat people that way and thus would not tolerate being treated that way.
Of course, in business like in life, there are tedious, mundane things that need to be done to keep things going like advertising, checking email, keeping up with your social media connections - again these are relationships, not blasting or SPAM ads. I see these, as one person in a Web conference said, like doing your dishes daily or keeping your lawn mowed, they are maintenance chores which allow you to be organized and run your life or business in an efficient way. If your daily routine is chaotic in life or in business, your flow will always be interrupted, then you don't finish a task, which leads to two tasks and eventually you become overwhelmed and give up. Never give up!
Someone once taught me, I think it might have been Mike Hall, TSD - Thing, Step, Day. Do a thing, that finishes a step, each series of steps completes each day.
Thank you again, Bob for your friendship, generosity and integrity in this melee of Internet marketing we share. May you be blessed a thousand fold for all you do for others.
Prosperous Blessings,
A.K.A. Vivienne Edwards